Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kayak à Cascade Niagra

Saturday my housemates and I rented kayaks and paddled upstream to the lovely Cascade Niagra (Niagra Falls... not so much...). It was quite a journey as there were many shallow parts- too shallow to paddle so we had to get in and out of our boats a lot in order to drag them through the stream. There were parts, however, that had some sneaky rapids. I have never fallen out of a canoe/kayak in my life, but I managed to fall out THREE, yes 3, times. Not so much embarrassing as ridiculous. The third time was a bit scarry as I was pinned under my kayak by a fallen bamboo branch and the suction of the depression in the kayak kept me from escaping. All's well that ends well, but it was scarry. I have some nice bruises to show as battle wounds. Anne, you would be impressed.

1 comment:

  1. Non mais cà va pas non! Je t'interdis de mourir, en tout cas pas avant Noël :-) Sérieusement, je suis verte de jalousie, ces photos sont magnifiques, tu te fabriques de supers souvenirs.
    Can't wait to see you!!!!
