Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Etretat and the Alabaster Coast (La côte albâtre)

Please let me indulge in the opportunity to share my etymological nerdiness with you:

If you hadn't noticed before, the accent circonflexe (ˆ) is put in place where was formerly an "s" in old French. "Forêt" was once "forest," and as you can see in the title of this posting (Etretat and the Alabaster Coast (La côte albâtre)), both "coast" and "alabaster" lack the "s" in French and have the accent circonflexe. I hope this information serves you well at some point in your future. Please remember me if this comes up on Jeopardy.


Check out the gorgeous cliffs I walked around today! Etretat is on the northern coast of Haute-Normandie and is known around the world. Unfortunately, the weather was normal (i.e. rainy and windy), so some day I'll return in the sun. Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures of the coast! Cool cliff formations. Thanks for posting them.
