Friday, February 16, 2007


The first official cyclone warning of the year has been issued. The cyclone is called Favio and is slowly moving toward the southern coast of the island. It is far enough away (currently 400 km and will not hit us directly but will indeed get closer) that we are not really worried, but we have stocked up on water and stuff just in case because after cyclones the water is either cut off or is un-drinkable. The housemates and I are secretly (or not-so-secretly) excited for this (being cooped up in the house, using candles, playing games) though we realize it is a bit selfish. We live in a nice, solid house that will not be destroyed by a cyclone and there are thousands of Réunionnais here who are not as lucky as we are... A cyclone (cyclone = Indian Ocean, hurriccane = Atlantic, typhoon = Pacific) will be a new natural disaster for me (already got earthquake and fire), and while I am excited for it, I also hope it is mild and no one injured and no major damage done.

1 comment:

  1. You find it exciting!!???!! I would be so scared!!
    Merci pour la différence entre cyclone, ouragan et typhon, j'ai jamais su pourquoi il y avait tellement de mots différents.
    Fais attention quand même! Bisous
