Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Desert Safari!

The Desert Safari was amazing. Driving up, down and around sand dunes in a 4x4, then a camel ride, traditional Arab barbecue and bellydancing... not a bad way to spend a Thursday evening. I have to say that I have no idea how the laws of physics don't apply in the Arabian desert. There were moments I was absolutely sure that the Toyota Land Cruiser was going to tumble down (dégringoler en français) the dune. You'd look out the window and be almost completely sideways. Scary but exhilarating. Katja was a brave sport, though I think I enjoyed it more than she.


  1. Very cool, was anyone "sandboarding?" I think I saw something for that when I was there.

  2. They offered sandboarding and sand skiing on several of the safaris, but not ours. I didn't see anyone doing it, but I know it happens all the time. I'm kinda glad it wasn't included in our trip... the thought is a little scary for me.

  3. Did I miss a picture of you on a camel? Because that's something I'd really like to see. These are beautiful pictures, Katie. I loved getting a glimpse of your trip!
