Saturday, March 6, 2010

Katie on a Camel

As requested, me on a camel. :)

Camels have a reputation of being mean, and they spit. I was told by my neighbor on the plane from London to Dubai that there are "city camels" and "country camels," and than city camels are nasty and bitter. Country camels are apparently nicer and more docile. Not unlike some humans...

It's been like 24 years since I rode a camel at the zoo, so I guess I'd forgotten how big they are. Camels are huge! You don't really realize how big a camel is until you are in proximity for him to trample you... kinda like a moose. Not sure which is bigger, a camel or a moose, but I think the moose wins on intimidation merely on the rack basis.

Riding a camel is not as comfortable as one might hope. Perhaps for longer camel treks than my 35 seconds (literally) they give you more padding and support. I've got to say that while I was hoping for more of a camel ride, I'm glad this one didn't last much longer. The desert safari includes a "camel ride," (+/- 30 seconds, something they don't tell you in the brochure) at the place where you eat your barbecue. Katja and I were safariing with two Germans, and Katja and the lady German weren't interested in the camels, so it was me and the German dude. We got on the camel, who was perched in the ground with his legs folded under him. Then were told to hold on tight and lean back as far as we could. I experienced a moment of terror as the camel got up onto its hooves-- there's a lot of rocking and rolling that goes on when a camel gets up! I totally thought I'd go flying, but the German and I managed to hold on. I think we both realized the degree of uncomfort right about the same time.

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